Broken Pedestals • 2023

LGBTQ Legacy Visual Arts Project

“Soon the day will come when science will win victory over error, justice a victory over injustice, and human love a victory over human hatred and ignorance.” - Magnus Hirschfeld

“Soon the day will come when science will win victory over error, justice a victory over injustice, and human love a victory over human hatred and ignorance.” - Magnus Hirschfeld

“A human being who was born a man, who was my husband, my friend, my comrade – has now become a woman, a complete woman. And this human being was never intended to be anything but a woman.” - Lili Elba

“A human being who was born a man, who was my husband, my friend, my comrade – has now become a woman, a complete woman. And this human being was never intended to be anything but a woman.” - Lili Elba

Berlin Pod

Pioneers of the Modern Liberation Movement

  • Magnus Hirschfeld

    1868 - 1935

  • Li Shui Tong

    1907 - 1993

  • Lili Elba

    1882 - 1930

  • Hansi Sturm

    1920’s Drag Persona

  • Adolf Brand

    1874 - 1945

  • Anna Rüling

    1880 - 1953

Broken Pedestals is my concept for a larger showcase of visual artworks that starts with this pod of LGBTQ people living in Berlin before World War II. These individuals loved, fought and played as openly we do today.

By the 1920s, Berlin was a city of refuge for our community. The early start of the modern gay movement took root in this city which included the first organizations, nightclubs, novels, magazines, films, gender reassignment surgeries and fights for equality. Though these freedoms came to an abrupt end with the rise of Hitler and WWII, they set the stage for Stonewall decades later.

The title Broken Pedestals has several meanings. In part it has to do with the suppression of LGBTQ history, which has deliberately fragmented our community’s connection to the past. It also seeks to address the weaponization of cancel culture that would pull down our forebearers because of their flaws.

It is my hope that perhaps as the Broken Pedestals project develops, it will be seen regionally in association with our LGBTQ Archives. I would like the viewer to actively consider how we embrace the humanity of our forebears? What do the contributions of the past say about us as a community today?  What can learn from our history to shape our future?

This is an ongoing project. I am still exploring my own understanding of what developed out of Berlin but I imagine creating a minimum of two more pods. One set in New York in the years around Stonewall. Another set in San Francisco in the years when AIDS emerged.

Click here to see my creative process as posted on Instagram.

Der Eigene (The Unique) and Die Freundin (The Girlfriend) were ground breaking Gay and Lesbian Publications that were read during the lives of this Berlin Pod.

The Pink and Black Triangles were used as badges of shame in Nazi Germany Concentration Camps. In the 1970s, both were reclaimed as positive symbol of self-identity and love for queerness.

The Rocky Twins (Identical Twins Leif and Paal Roschberg) danced their way through the stages and cinemas of Europe and the US in the 1920’s most often in drag as the infamous Dolly Sisters. They were notorious for their madcap lifestyles, late night clubbing and sexuality.